Sitemap - 2022 - Curiosity > Certainty

#81 - Selected ideas from 2022

#80 - Sunk costs, escalating commitment, and reputation

#79 - Building a decision bookend and seeing the unseen

#78 - The magic of time travel in decision-making

#77 - When do I go fast? When do I wait?

#76 - Say no to decision paralysis

#75 - Deciding, fast and slow

#74 - Being less sure

#73 - Being less wrong

#72 - Taking the wind out of pros and cons

#71 - Understanding change and stepping out of the shadow of outcomes

#70 - Annie Duke's outcome tail and decision dog

#69 - Why your team may not bring problems to you

#68 - How to prepare yourself to be wrong

#67 - What they don't teach you at school about decision-making

#66 - Two lies you've been told

#65 - When slow meets fast and the myth about connecting dots

#64 - Resolving interpersonal issues and reading the signs

#63 - The Antithesis Principle and a Decision-Making Framework to Save You Stress

#62 - Tripwires in decision-making: Van Halen and Minnetonka

#61 - The Optics Framework and learning through stories

#60 - The one-sided narrative of wealth and acknowledging our inner gambler

#59 - Refusing more motivation and thinking in interactions

#58 - Risk, regret, and decision-making

#57 - Avoid regret or avoid blame?

#56 - Multiple personality superpower and being memorable

#55 - The less-is-more effect and the curse of 'indicatorism'

#54 - Positioning like Steph Curry

#53 - Why do we compare ourselves with those better off?

#52 - Journaling, sterile or fertile, explore or exploit

#51 - Changing behavior without changing attitude AND competition cures doubt

# 50 Learning by having skin in the game AND why second-order thinking is hard

#49 Measuring what matters and training like an athlete

#48 Deal with success or have it eat you up

#47 - Having a 'local foreigner' for yourself

#46 - Counting the zeroes, not just the ones

How being fixated on a problem, not the solution, may work

#44 Time Travel in Decision-Making - Part II

#43 Time Travel in Decision-Making - Part I

Thought Experiments

#41 Being a potato, choosing a normal, and quitting on a high

#40 How TikTok reframes the making of human connection AND how to extract information like a gangsta

#39 - Hooking up with the right crew AND asking your way out of trouble

How to make a habit attractive and how to lead in absence

Why Pepsodent made for a good cue and pros and cons aren't nearly enough

Why 'enjoy now, pay later' is dangerous AND the problem with problem solving

The 'fresh start' effect AND when to take that big decision

Identity-based habit change AND the 'root problem' problem

Building lasting habits and breaking down big decisions

2X2 Decision Matrix & Cognitive Dissonance

An ethical problem today is a technical problem tomorrow

Activation Energy: go the distance