Sitemap - 2024 - Curiosity > Certainty
#200 - Seven most powerful ideas from 2024
#199 - Most pick being right. You pick being quick.
# 198 - The case against empathy
#197 - Exploring my human iceberg
#195 - Designing a dream balcony and a fulfilling career: how they’re surprisingly similar
#194 - How come standing your ground feels like just standing to a few and impossible to most?
#193 - A Ph.D. is just a sign of docility
#192 - You seek change but you resist being changed
#191 - What's worth trading when you fail?
#190 - The devastation of failing
#188 - Observations from coaching people
#187 - Learning is not a motivation problem
#186 - A better manager: wins an argument or finds the best argument?
#185 - Home truths about the Tightwad Employer
#184 - “The bee came to sip the honey, but its feet got stuck to the honey pot...”
#183 - The curse of adult learning
#182 - The four ways people show dissatisfaction
#181 - The self-conscious and the self-centered are locked in the same prison
#179 - Your doctor is a tailor
#178 - The sorting function of education
#177 - To be a Truthy or a Smarty?
#176 - The bully and the pushover are not that different from each other
#175 - Three leadership delusions
#174 - Do you work in an organization where everybody works one level lower than they should?
#173 - The negotiating trick few talk about
#172 - The difference between informing and evoking
#171 - What is so hard about saying NO?
#170 - Essence of strategy, rationalization, and a question on processing emotions
#169 - Feedback, observation, and coaching
#168 - Are you solving a higher class of problems today compared to yesterday?
#167 - Skeptical and open-minded: operating in two modes at the workplace
#166 - Learning from my younger selves
#165 - What's the big deal about being independent?
#164 - Three questions for your work and life
#163 - What makes work meaningful and tasks meaningless
#161 - SMART goals are doing your team harm
#160 - “Could adopting a leadership style that’s not your default/natural style backfire?”
#159 - How to track a life: discovery or outcome?
#158 - Something you may miss while managing a business transition
#157 - Searching for originality
#156 - How to spend your time in the first 90 days anywhere
#155 - Just knowledge doesn't change behavior
#154 - Two stories about humility training
#153 - What we need from a job
#152 - Getting clarity when pursuing multiple, contradictory goals
#151 - Would you rather be disciplined or devoted?
#150 - When working for free makes sense
#149 - Games people play—the anatomy of social interactions
#148 - Head without heart is a logic bully
#147 - How to run multiple projects in parallel
#146 - Why is the quest for mastery so embarrassing?
#145 - Why AI may not leave us jobless
#144 - How did they achieve so much?
#143 - Strategies to be insatiably curious
#142 - Specialization is for insects
#141 - The inefficiency is the point
#140 - Be the only, not the best—the overlooked lesson in building a career
#139 - Why is hiring talent like buying a boring car?
#137 - Managing your perception at work
#136 - Akbar, don’t worry about Birbal
Midweek #135 - The Sorry, I Goofed Up Manager
#135 - Second-Order Thinking: The Seen and Oh, the Unseen
Midweek #134 - The Middle Manager Playbook
#134 - Premortems: Why should you kill your dream project to save it?