"Every clinician wants to be a great doctor. No one grows up wanting to be a great patient. Therefore, in the practice of care, the patient is always the kink in the hose. If they don’t comply, if the treatment doesn’t fit their lifestyle, the treatment will fail. The doctor will fail. So, fix the kink in the hose. Listen to the patient."

Your story logically concludes this way. I am thinking of a parallel in some other context, not able to come up. Anything you can suggest?

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I could think of (from your newsletter) aircraft designers as another group who face similar challenges as doctors do. People are so grumpy on aircrafts because even though they are well-off in life to afford plane tickets, they have little say over their experience.

The common thread I'm picking out is power asymmetry.

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Fun question. It could be tangential but I'm thinking any service where the customer wants the outcome while following the path of least resistance. Doctors want to be good at treating patients not at picking generic brands of drugs when available. Gym subscribers may want weight loss without being burdened by a regimen that demands too big a lifestyle change.

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